Saturday, December 20, 2008

I thought we lived in a RAINforest

Sledding is the new mode of travel in our neck of the woods. Tyler was invited to sleep over at a friend's house up the street last night and so Tyler's friends rode their sleds down the street to pick him up. It's how we get around anymore.

We've been pretty much iced in for a week now. Wasn't there some movie filmed in Oregon about some family that gets snowed in for about a week? Red Rum? Yeah, we're praying for a nice and rainy Christmas.

We're actually having fun with the snow too.

My favorite zen moment of the week occurred while zipping straight down the middle of our steep unplowed street, while sitting cross-legged on the circular disc you see below, with my hands on my knees in cupping shape.

Snowball Warriors

You've gotta click to enlarge this one to get the full effect of Amanda's expression. Amanda and Krista are suffering the wrath of my snowblower maneuver.


  1. I am so glad that you guys are enjoying the snow too! It looks like you guys have just as much as we do...that's crazy! What a great way to enjoy Christmastime!!!

  2. Looks like ya'll are having a great time! We're getting buried too. All this snow makes me miss Utah, and then I remember that we'd all be expected to go to work and school with this amount of snow. It's much more fun to be instructed to just PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STAY HOME!
