Saturday, December 27, 2008

A short jingle on my new uke

I've been wanting a(n) ukele for ages. This year, Jen surprised me with this beautiful uke on baby Jesus' birthday.

I immediately fell in love with the big tenor sound. Here's a short song that popped out of me when I picked up the uke for the first time. Someday, I think I'll add strings and maybe a xylophone, but the concept is there. Please pardon the amateur recording/performance. I recommend scrolling to the bottom first and turning off the music player, then clicking the video below.

grow from anthony burrell on Vimeo.

If you listen carefully at the very end of the clip, you can hear Paisley in the background. She was rocking her heart out in the bathroom while I was recording.


  1. I swear I already left a comment on this...but anyway, I absolutely loved the song. Great words.

  2. Hey Anthony,

    That is a great song. Within an hour. You are so freakin' talented with those instrumentos.
    I'm soo impressed. Happy New Years!!!

  3. I love it!!! You are amazing with all of your different was saying you got another one (the oldest instrument) or us a tune on that one!
