Monday, January 12, 2009


We said goodbye to Ellie. our sweet havanese puppy, this past weekend. We're really feeling her loss. We depended on her for many things and loved her for countless reasons. For four years, she kept the kitchen floor clean, let us know when people arrived at our door, protected the kids against ghosts and monsters who regularly used her to keep them company when scared, kept my feet warm when I worked from home through school, and she was the best reason to come home from anywhere. She would always greet us with an "Aroo!" and the playful pitter patter of her feet. Her gentle personality is already missed. The spirit of our home has changed without her.

Ellie liked watermelon, bacon, Coldplay, and especially the beach. She was happpiest there. She would run for hours in the sand. Ellie couldn't eat bacon for the past year and a half due to her liver.

The vet put her to sleep in our arms. We lit a fire upstairs, sang her some songs, and put on some of her favorite music. We wrapped her in a blanket, fed her as much bacon and yogurt as she wanted, and we huddled around her and comforted her while we said goodbye.

Every night when I tucked the kids in, Ellie would be curled at Tyler's feet while I sang Edelweiss, their favorite bedtime song. I changed the words a few years ago to "Ellie Weiss", which means white Ellie. I think the words were appropriate for her.

Ellie Weiss, Ellie Weiss, every morning you greet me.
Strong and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me.
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever.
Ellie Weiss, Ellie Weiss, bless my home forever.

Goodnight little ewok.

Amanda chose the songs in this video, saying that the words are about Ellie. I think she's right. She pointed out that Chris Martin says "Aroooooooooooo" multiple times at the end of "The Scientist", which is the first song. "Arooo" is what Ellie would say when she was most content. Ellie passed while this particular song was playing.

I recommend scrolling to the bottom, turning off the music player and then clicking on the link below.

In loving memory of Ellie, Dec 2004 - Jan 2009.

Ellie from anthony burrell on Vimeo.


  1. That was beautiful. Too often in our society, we turn away from death afraid to confront the pain and mystery of it. I'm so glad that you embraced the opportunity to say goodbye and to comfort Ellie in her last moments of life. What a great way to show her your love and respect for her life. I bet she just loved stuffing herself with bacon!

  2. That was a sweet post, I wish I could have met little Ellie, loved the video.

  3. What a beautiful tribute to our grand-doggy Elly! Thank you for sharing the video with such beautiful pictures, and loaded with so much family love shared with Elly in the last 4 years! That is a good feeling! love you, mom, grandma

  4. Hi Portland Burrellitos,
    Sorry to hear about Ellie. She was quite the little house doggy. That was a great tribute video.
    -Michael and family

  5. So sorry about the loss of this beloved family member. We will miss little Ellie! Gabby will especially miss her itty-bitty friend.
