Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gypsy Moon

Jen came up with some great percussive clapping to go along with this tune I wrote for the uke. This is song-writing in progress so none of the stops are polished (second time we ever played). We invented the tune only moments before.

(I recommend scrolling to the bottom and turning off the music player before playing the videos)


  1. Love it! You've got to bring the uke to Powell.

  2. Sa-weeeet. Nice rhythym. I'll be humming that one in my head for the rest of the day.

  3. I love the sound of the ukelele, I love to watch you guys have fun with music. Love you!

  4. that was cool. I go with danielle bring it to lake powell.

  5. I rename this bathroom the Holy of Holies. Thanks for a really fun weekend.
