Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Jen and Krista risked life and limb to get some groceries today. Jen crashed the FJ into a dirt hill after hitting a patch of ice and swerving backwards into oncoming traffic on Cedar Hills Blvd. I should mention that it was the ONLY dirt hill on Cedar Hills Blvd. Everything else was houses, pedestrians, babies, puppies, and ravines. Not even a scratch in the FJ and everyone's fine. Jen and Krista report that they felt as though they were being carried away on angel's wings onto a fluffy pillow. Sounds like fun. Makes me want to wreck the car too.

And so it's thirteen degrees in Portland tonight and we've got another storm on the horizon. The kids are ecstacic. Tonight they learned that school will be cancelled again tomorrow, making three snow days in a row. Portland is a great place to be a kid.

I predict more sledding and hot chocolate in our future.


  1. Holy snow days Batman. And I'm glad that Jen and Krista are OK.
    Cinnamon bears were pretty much my favorite candy until I read this post. Thank Ellie for me, will you?
    (Not even kidding here, buy my word verification was 'sledn' but I closed the window and now I'll probably get a new one.)
    FYI, nope! The same word came up for me to verify. Nice.

  2. I loved our snow days growing up! (I think we had like 2) but they were the best! I think that was when you boys sled off the roof and...learned that the snow wasn't so powdery, it was more like a hard rock!
    Woooahhh...Jen! I'm glad you are okay! Sounds like a trip ;)

  3. Luuuucky!! Ahh..to be a kid again on a snow day. They're making some awesome memories right now :)

  4. I love snow, I want to come play with the kids. I am glad the snow was fluffy and the girls were ok : )

  5. Good job on the gingerbread houses!..Oooooh!school is cancelled, sledding, hot chocolate,etc what a life! Remember when we drove the jeep around the block pulling the sled? Jen, that was scary, I'm glad everything is good.
