Saturday, December 13, 2008

Stuffed and grateful

We hosted Thanksgiving at our place this year. Gobble Gobble.

Here's Jen, looking fabulous, and placing an orange inside of a turkey.

We reconnected with friends.

And made some new friends.

There were balloons.

And other forms of merry-making.

And, of course, there was food.

And there were dogs.


  1. What a great name for the house. Half Pirate & half kind of great hall \ king. By the way the root of raj is prince or king like rey in spanish. The root of mahal in sanskrit is great, like magnifcent. So Raj Mahal is great king. Some people confuse with Taj Mahal which means the great tower or building. Taj coming from the same ancient roote as spanish tower.

  2. I love that Dad created a blogging ID just so he could comment about the root of words. That's so Dad!

    Welcome to the blogging world!

  3. Hi! I'm so glad to be aboard your Jolly Mah Rajal...Ooops! I think I said it wrong, but then it wouldn't be me. I love your blog, family, good friends, food, music, doggies. Ellie is thinking "I have to share my territory! Love, mom

  4. Looks like you had a great thanksgiving!!
    I will for sure follow your blog... I have to tell you Ed already went on and saw it and that would be his first time ever, he's never even seen ours... ha ha ha
