Saturday, December 13, 2008

Welcome aboard the Jolly Raj Mahal

I should start by saying that we recently decided to name our house "The Jolly Raj Mahal". Our house is part pirate ship and part Mahal. It even used to have a poop deck, but no longer. The name is a combinaton of two phrases - The Jolly Roger and the Taj Mahal. I think the Jolly Raj is well on it's way to becoming the eighth wonder of the world. Of course, the name has deeper, hidden meanings for those who like deeper meanings. Here's a hint: Sanskrit. I think the Jolly Raj braves the fierce torrential waters of the Northwest winters with a certain Oriental grace.

It's an exciting time at the Jolly Raj Mahal. The fireplace is a cracklin', the spiced aromas of ginger and molasses hang thick in the air, and the kids are gathered around their gingerbread houses licking the frosting off their fingers and loading up on gumdrops and M&Ms. In the words of Perry Como, which is currently at the top of our holiday playlist, "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas."

The Jolly Raj Mahal is pleased to welcome Krista aboard. Krista is a musician friend that brings a wealth of great energy to our home. She's renting our guest room downstairs and has brought Feng Shui in the form of many plants, pleasant smells, and music to her new lair. We're happy to have her aboard for this leg of our journey!

Check out this amazing sunset we caught from the crow's nest. Krista and her girls below.

Yours truly.


  1. Awesome sunset...and you both look handsome/beautiful as usual :)

  2. Ohhh...I want to go to the jolly majal...

  3. Gorgeous sunset! Happy to have another blog to follow!

  4. Looks good. I'll tune in regularly..
    I can't use the poop deck anymore?

  5. I have never been to the Jolly Raj Mahal
    Your place always sounds and looks like a warm, fun and inviting place! Love those pics with the beautiful sunset! Besitos a todos!
