Saturday, January 17, 2009

Truth is marching...

I finally figured out how to somewhat control the pitch of my new mouth harp with my tongue. In case you are wondering, a mouth harp is one of the oldest musical instruments and is widely known and used across many different world cultures. It's basically a metallic reed. Here's my harp.

The kids especially dig the cartoon "boing" sounds and robot voice sounds that can be made with the harp. Hours of entertainment, I'm telling you.

Just for kicks, I recorded Battle Hymn of the Republic on two tracks. Well, here she is in all her glory.



  1. OMG! That is so cool! Were you totally out of breath? Or not? When it's in your mouth...does it stick out? Or can you like walk into a grocery store and start playing it, but nobody knows where it's coming from...that would be fun...I guess by the look of it, it has to stick out of your mouth. Pretty Neato.

  2. Is there any instrument you can't play? Of all your music gadgets, I think this device sounds the coolest. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Way cool. I think you should record a song playing your harp, guitar and drums all at the same time.

  4. I want one ! Our jaws dropped to the ground that was pretty cool. I wonder what the ancients made the reed out of. I assume it is older than the iron age. DAD and MOM

  5. It has a very rhythmic Aboriginal feel to it. I like it. Very clear recording as well!
