Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We seriously have this much fun every night

Here's a little bathroom band jam from tonight.

Bathroom Band jam from anthony burrell on Vimeo.

And sometimes we sound better than this!


  1. Sounds awesome! Love the new uke. Wish we could be there for Jen's show this weekend.

  2. I want to join the bathroom band...looks very relaxing..Tam.

  3. I'm sorry I offended the comment gods here on your blog. Now they all seem out to get me.

    Anywhoo...I loved that it was aw-ha-ha-some! And maybe it's just my computer, but my favorite part of the video was when, at the end, you looked over at the camera. It all happened in slow motion on my screen and I saw the full potential of the ninth level druids in all it's glory.

  4. My favorite parts were your beard and Jen's giggle at the end.

    Oh, and the bitchin' music.

  5. My favorite way to relax in your home, is to watch you and Jen play your music! that was awesome, love, mom

  6. Who are the comment gods? Em...don't worry about matter what you do or say now, they will be watching you.
