Saturday, February 7, 2009

Emily-a Earhart

Emily has been working hard to prepare a speech about Amelia Earhart for school. We finished the poster-board costume today. I'm impressed with Emily's memorization skills. She wrote and memorized a 5 minute biography that she delivers with a great deal of enthusiasm.


  1. Awesome board Emily! I can totally imagine how animated your speech must be...It makes me think of the great show you all put on for the adults at the beachhouse!

  2. hey nice one EMily U look LOL!I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD!

  3. I would have loved to be there for your speech! I'm sure you did great! I loved the poster, lots of preparation, you are tops! love you, grandma

  4. Miss Em. Did you know that I am a huge Ameliea Earhart fan? I gave a report on her when I was your age, too! I love the poster you made and I can't wait for you to present your speech for me the next time we are together! You go girlie. Love you! Auntie Em

  5. Emily I LOVE your poster board costume, I wish I could have heard your presentation! I love learning about Amelia Earhart too.
